Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Last web video - 6850 Dornbirn

I've gathered in this video stuff I like or have paid special attention to in Dornbirn.

Summary of my course experiences

I'm pretty happy with the way course went. We were introduced to a variety of social media tools and told how to combine them. It makes blogging so much more efficient. I wish we would have had more time with the teacher at least an extra day or so. The examples and the debate in the class were really interesting.

It was nice to get to know new tools for internet publishing. On my own I probably wouldn't have touched them any time soon. And I might not be using them too much in the future, but it's good to know their potential and keep that in my mind. Because when I come up what a kick ass idea for a blog, I already know how to use the tools to publish that.

I had a hard time coming up with ideas to the videoblog, since I'm quite self-critical. The idea of having audience made me really scared. But in the end all worked out pretty ok.


For a long time I've been thinking about setting up a blog. Actually I was planning to set up a blog for my exchange semester to keep my friends and family updated of what I'm doing in Dornbirn, but I never did it. Even though it wouldn't take too much time, I just don't have the persistence to update it regularly.

And that's a problem with some blogs I've been reading. Usually in the beginning blogger is very active blogging regularly, but at some point many start to slip on that. If there hasn't been a post for a week or so I easily give up following the blog and remove it from my bookmarks. I think most of the blog readers expect some sort of regularity of the blog they are reading and abandon the blogs if there's nothing new.

Some people just don't have the time for it or they just run out of ideas what to post. Which brings me the next question: what is actually worth blogging? It can't be really just pointed out what's interesting and what isn't. There are millions of bloggers and blog readers. Some may find interesting things that others find meaningless. But considering the number of blog there has to be something for everyone and it's easy to skip the irrelevant blogs and find something new and interesting.

When one is posting on a blog they should really think what they write, since it's impossible to get something you once posted off from the internet. If a blogger is not interested in his/her own privacy they should think about other peoples privacy if they blog also about other people on their daily life.

Blogging is a handy tool to provide new aspects to different things and nowadays it can even be a way to influence the society. Blogging is a media that's here to stay. It'll be interesting to see what it can provide to people in the future. End of this course might be end my blogging career, but maybe just for a while.

Second life

Signing up for SL was easy as pie. But after that all went to hell. When I tried to open the SL application it crashed over and over again. I installed new display adapter drivers and it helped a bit. No more crashing, but the graphics didn't work too well, which made the whole experience annoying.

After short tutorials in SL, I wandered around and tried on some clothes for my avatar for a while in some place called 'Discovery Island'. After that I got fed up with the whole thing. Mostly because of my non-working graphics. And you couldn't really talk about social experience: I only saw two other people during my visit. So maybe it needs more users.

SL itself is an interesting virtual world and I've never tried one like it. Although I didn't learn how to teleport to all desired places in SL, I got the idea what it can offer to people. People can set-up their own showrooms and promote their arts and designs or even sell them. Of course this brings up the money. You can use SL's own currency to pay for stuff in SL. For myself I don't see this as a useful feature, but who am I to judge the ones who use it. Of course if doing everything costs something, then it takes the fun out of the game.

For education SL is used already by over 300 universities all over the world, according to Linden Labs. Virtual worlds offer a great opportunity to provide educational content for people throughout the world. For example it would be interesting to take a part in lecture that's held in SL for people all over the world.

Although my first try with SL wasn't too successful, I can see a huge potential in it. Probably in the future the whole internet will be like SL: in three dimensions. But waiting for that, I settle for my first life, since I have enough stuff to do in it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Introduction to the student house on Moosmahdstr.

Get ready to die of boredom! It's another vlog entry of me showing you around places. This time we'll have a look at the common areas the student house on Moosmahdstrasse.


Facebook is a great tool to keep up with the lives of your friends you don't see too often. Of course i have dozens of friends on facebook who I keep on my friend list just so I can easily contact them if needed. It's easy to hide them from my news feed if I'm not too interested of what they're doing. Also I can choose not share my stuff with them also.
People using facebook should sometimes really think what they allow other users to see. I sometimes see wallposts from person to person, which in my opinion contain information that shouldn't be shared with others. I think that most of users don't even realize how much stuff they are exposing to other people.
Facebook provides good playground for stalkers, provided that user has left his/her account to be seen by anyone. I've already heard some of my female friends complaining about people stalking them on facebook. This of course can be avoided simply just restricting your profile options.

Social medias and especially facebook provide a great opportunity for advertisers. Advertising can be focused more and more individually thanks to your profile information. Also groups offer a great place to focus your ads to people who are more likely to be interested in the product or service advertiser is offering.
Bands and movie companies are nowadays providing a lot of information in advance of their albums and movies through their own profiles and groups. I think this sort of marketing is more effective because users can choose to see these posts. It makes advertising more individual experience, especially when the user actually wants to see the ads.

In general social medias give great opportunities to advertisers, even smaller ones. With a little effort you can for example create a group for whatever you're doing and the people who are interested in your thing may contact you.

Facebook has a lot of potential in marketing and bringing people together. It will be interesting to see what kind of gimmicks we'll see in the future in facebook advertising and in general in facebook. I just hope while waiting for that, people remember that there's also life outside the door, not just in your computer.

Karren ride in a minute.

A bit faster ride to Karren.